Best Mobile Ad Formats and Types to Increase Ad Viewability

Do you know?
80% of all internet daily users appear either via in-app or mobile web. This percentage is enough to understand the boosted level of ad growth in 2022. So, let’s dive deep into the best mobile ad formats and mobile ad types.
It can be classified as:
1) In-app advertising
2) Mobile web advertising
This division depends on where the app users will engage with different types of mobile ads.
Let’s find out the major difference!
We place mobile web ads on the mobile versions of platforms and websites. Meanwhile, in-app ads are displayed in different types of apps from the app stores.
Both options present benefits, but in-app advertising brings high benefits for publishers/developers.
In-app Advertising
The time that users totally spend with each app is a big benefit that in-app ads bring to publishers.
A better user experience is promised here!
It’s a fact that ‘nobody likes ads’, but some advertising becomes more tolerable, attractive, and likable than others. So, publishers can provide a better ad experience to their users with the right and best mobile ad formats.
In-app advertising also attracts the interest of brands/advertisers as:
- less distracting
- highly engaging and interactive
- better controlled and managed
Here, you get a great solution to address some goals:
1) Increase conversions
2) User retention and engagement
3) Brand awareness
4) Drive overall revenue generation
Which Type Your App Is?
News, social media, entertainment, shopping, fitness, education, messaging, healthcare, games, or whatever your app is, in-app ads fit nearly every vertical.
Check for different types of mobile advertising and decide on the suitable category you want with the help of the best ad mediation platform to grow revenue.
A large number of audiences spend their all-free time on gaming apps. It’s worth mentioning the different types of ad formats for games and other apps.
AdPumb – the best mobile ad mediation platform and one of the top mobile app monetization platforms; uses advanced mobile ad formats to access the largest audience, target users precisely, and achieve better ad recognition.
Best Mobile Ad Formats in 2022
Interstitial Mobile Ads
When the app transitions to a new screen, a full-screen ad will be shown for a short moment, and it will also appear between the game levels.
- Used during natural app transitions
- Take up the entire screen for user attention
- Bigger space makes it more attractive to advertisers (leads to more user engagement)
- Choice to build into the app’s script with SDK
- Not able to close the ad until the interval ends (guarantees more user experience)
- High conversions promised
When to Use?
Choosing the best app monetization strategy is important to grow revenue. Apps that show linear user experiences are highly suitable for interstitial ads. A proper start and stop point are compulsory.
Now, ask yourself:
How will your audience be engaging with your app at the time of the ad?
Do you think your audience will get surprised by the ad?
Where to Use?
You can place interstitial ads within your app so that they show a natural flow of audience engagement.
Avoid these mistakes:
1) Surprising audience
2) Too many ads
3) Disturb the use of the app
If you try to compromise on these mistakes, then your app may suffer from poor user experience, more accidental clicks on interstitial ads, and the chance to drive away from your app.
That’s bad, right?
Ads shouldn’t be the primary focus of your app. Mind the user experience when you place the interstitial ads on your app.
Tip: Place interstitial ads at the right time in your app.
Banner Mobile Ads
Mobile banner ads are displayed at the bottom or top of your mobile screen in the app; standard banners.
- Easy to implement
- Highly affordable
- Universally supported
- Compatible with every app
- Standardized sizes are 300×250, 320×50, and 320×100
The layout of an app is taken up by rectangular advertisements that are shown in banner ad units. This format offers advertisers a presentable way to display video content, text, rich media, and images.
Banner ads function well for any kind of app due to their simplicity. Ad layout optimization should be done at the same time to get the best results.
Rewarded Mobile Ads
Rewarded ads are a perfect fit for gaming apps with a full screen, which results in your audience getting a reward to move on in the game by watching an ad.
You’ll get:
1) High interaction
2) High engagement
3) High completion rate
15 to 30 second rewarded videos provide an option for users to watch/skip.
Rewarded ad units let your audience take surveys, play more game levels, and watch rewarded ads to earn coins, next level entry, extra lives, etc. It’s easy to set multiple rewards for multiple ad units and specify reward items and values that players will get.
A publisher can reap more impressions from rewarded ads than from a traditional interstitial ad.
A high completion rate happens as a result of a user’s need for a particular reward. So, these ads complement a user rather than interrupt their flow.
Now, you can merge rewarded ads with your game app seamlessly! The best mobile advertising mediation can help you fix the barriers and place the rewarded ads in the right place in your app.
AdPumb – the best Admob alternative with top suggestions for the best mobile app monetization strategy, provides quality-based rewarded videos.
Native Mobile Ads
Native ads look similar to banner ads, but the specialty is the power to customize. These ads are natively integrated into your app and will be less turnkey.
The great advantage is, of course, the option to customize the ad to suit your app structure and make it feel the way it is. Here, the relevant content of the ad suits well with the surrounding app content.
You’re free to decide the way a native ad is shown to your audience by adjusting ad components like body text, headline, image, etc. in the app code. If you wish to implement custom renderings, then make use of 3D animation and swipe gestures.
Try to match the ad design with the app content by using the same styles, colors, fonts, alignments, etc. No cropping of advertiser assets.
Don’t forget to add the Ad Attribution badge and the AdChoices icon and go through the ad policies for native ads. The star rating, call to action, and ad badge are essential to distinguish it from other non-ad components.
Mobile Rich Media
Mobile rich media ads come in the form of banner ad format. Here’s an option for advertisers to apply creative and bold ideas as it’s a set of image files, JS, HTML, and CSS.
- High conversion
- High engagement
- High interaction
Mobile Video Ads
Mobile video ads offer promised engagement, interaction, and conversion.
1) Pre-roll ad formats – Play before the mobile video ad starts
2) Mid-roll ad formats – Play in the middle of the video
3) Post-roll ad formats – Pop up after the video
Playable Ads
Playable ads are interactive test versions with high interaction, engagement, and conversion rates. These ads are displayed as ad units on any mobile device.
The typical duration of playable ads lasts from 15 seconds to one minute. Get more promotions for your mobile games with this effective ad format.
Mobile Game Ads
The best of the in-app ecosystem is promised here! It can be static or dynamic and also offer the option of interstitial ads or rewarded videos. AdPumb offers top mobile game monetization strategies to reap the most from your app.
- High interaction
- Universally supported
- High engagement
- Best user experience
- Cost-effective
- High conversion
Different Ad Types
An ad type explains the different ads an ad unit can display to audiences. You can choose one of the different types of ad formats, and each shows multiple ad types.
You choose the kind of ad you want to allow users to watch when you choose the mobile ad types for an ad unit.
Let’s have a look at the different mobile ad types:
1. Text, Image & Rich Media
HTML5/rich media, text, and image ads will be static images, text only, or .GIF (animated images).
2. Video
These are the ads with audio and video content. Here, ads with banner ad units start muted. The audience has the option to unmute.
3. Interactive
Surveys or playable ads have an interactive element. An ad unit’s possible ad types rely on the ad format you choose when you created it.
Things to keep in mind while placing different types of mobile app ads are:
1. Choose the right ad size
2. Choose the right display ads
3. Don’t create false footers
Which Mobile Ad Types Are Suitable for You?
Each type of mobile ad has its own unique benefits, and it relies on the particular demand and needs of the campaign from users. There are no fast and hard rules to determine whether one campaign is better than the other one.
Points to Keep in Mind
Are you a publisher with a demand for static ads? Then interstitial ads (full screen) will work for your app. It’ll produce more conversions with high engagement and interactivity. If you wish to move your ad campaigns to the next level, then go for interstitial ads.
Have you heard about ‘banner blindness? Yea, users unintentionally ignore banner ads that appear at the top of their screens. So, here the result is low interaction.
Do you aim to raise product awareness? Then banner ads are the perfect option as they’re affordable. You cannot expect a higher conversion rate, but it offers maximum exposure.
Note that rich media ads are the best performing group you can go for. They do their job of promoting brand awareness with a score of 100/100. According to some studies, rich media ads grabbed the attention of 43% of people, while 23% of people recalled the message in the ad.
How to Choose the Right Mobile Ad Formats
Take your time and do an experiment to find the right ad format that suits your mobile campaign. You’ve got room for creativity with a list of rich media components and mobile ad formats.
Ask yourself:
1) What are your monetization objectives?
2) What is your campaign goal?
3) In demand for less invasive ads?
4) Do you want to run a branding campaign?
5) What platform do you target?
Your aim must be to provide the best user experience possible with more innovation and creativity. In 2022, interstitial ads, video ads, and rewarded ads look more promising than other ones. But, keep in mind, that we are all targeting different kinds of audiences. So, analyze yourself and choose the right one that suits your app.
Experiment with your app, with different types of ad formats, collect data and examine the result. Place the mixture of effective mobile ad formats and frequencies and test it!
Besides that, keep in a tie with the best ad mediation platform to get the most satisfying output. AdPumb is the right partner to grow your revenue by optimizing the ad content with a study on targeted users.
We offer a 99.99% fill rate and promise the best price per impression. Get the highest eCPM possible! It’s not a dream anymore; make it a reality with AdPumb. We supply ad demand from 3000+ domains. Get exposed to more bidders now! We serve ads in different ad formats and types from multiple sources.
Let’s hope for a good response and a high conversion rate.
A user of your app must feel a good experience with the ads you put up – It may result in more interactions.
Best wishes!