Practices Should be Avoid while Deciding Ad Placement

1. Ignoring User Experience

Ad placement should not negatively impact the user experience of the app. It is important to ensure that ads are placed in a way that does not disrupt the flow or functionality of the app.

2. Overloading the App with Ads

While ads can be a great source of revenue, it is important to avoid overloading the app with too many ads. This can lead to user frustration and may result in decreased engagement and revenue. Integrating with AdPumb, can assist you to maintain instant ad loading on your apps.

3. Not Considering Ad Format

Different ad formats, such as interstitials, banners, and native ads, have different strengths and weaknesses. It is important to consider the ad format that will work best for the app and its users.

4. Not Testing Ad Placement

Ad placement should be tested and optimized over time to ensure that it is providing the best results. This can be done through A/B testing and analyzing metrics such as click-through rate and revenue.

5. Not Considering the Device Type

Ad placement should be tested and optimized over time to ensure that it is providing the best results. This can be done through A/B testing and analyzing metrics such as click-through rate and revenue.

6. Not Considering Ad Targeting

Ad targeting can be a powerful tool for increasing revenue. It is important to consider the audience of the app and target ads accordingly to ensure that they are reaching the right people.

See How AdPumb can Help to Make Your Ad Revenue Double?