Facebook Audience Network VS Google AdMob

The Facebook Audience Network and AdMob are two of the best mobile-specific ad networks

Facebook Audience Network

Google AdMob

Only a Google Account & Phone Number are required for AdMob.

App must be available on the App Store or Google Play Store.

Facebook Audience Network

Google AdMob

All types of ad formats can use

Banner, Rewarded, Interstitial and native( require minimum traffic)

Types of Ad formats

Facebook Audience Network

Google AdMob

Pay on every month endPay on every month end

Pay on the 21st of each month

Payout Strategy

Revenue Share

Uncertainty over revenue split

Facebook Audience Network

 Revenue share is 60:40.

Google AdMob's

Which one, then, should you choose if you want to publish apps?

You might think about experimenting and A/B testing with various geos and  ad units with both ad networks in order to get the best results.

Contact AdPumb if you're still unsure about what to do.

At AdPumb, we take care and uplift your app revenue with the implementation of right strategies.