What is Ad Refresh?

Ad Refresh, also known as automatic ad refresh, is the process by which a new ad is served to an existing ad unit. This technique assists publishers in displaying more advertisements to a user in a single session.

What are the types of Ad Refresh?



The ad will be loaded after a predetermined time period, such as 15, 30, or 60 seconds. Whether or not the user is currently using the app, the trigger will be triggered. There is a chance that this will have a negative impact on ad viewability, resulting in lower ad revenue for your app because advertisers are unwilling to spend money on units that are not being seen.



Here, a publisher-initiated event serves as the trigger for ad renewal. When displaying recent content, such as game results, statistics, etc., this kind is used.



Here, an ad refresh happens after the user completes specific tasks. Viewability scores are substantially higher than for time- and event-based refreshes when user behaviours are used as a trigger to ensure that the user is on the app page.

At AdPumb, we feel and think that publishers can sustainably increase ad revenue if they ensure that both brands and users gain from ad refresh.