Rewarded Video Ads

Reasons for Using 

for Your Game App

A user can opt to view video ads in exchange for a reward, such as an additional life in a game, a longer free trial, a solution to a puzzle, or virtual money. You can send users who click on the advertisement to a URL you specify, such as your website or a specific post-click landing page.

They're most frequently employed in games or entertainment apps because of the implications of rewarded video ads. However, they are not all exclusive to mobile devices and have different applications and places.

Rewarded Video Ads

Success of 

1. Players prefer in-game video ads than paid games or subscribtion

2. Generally, players decide to engage with rewarded video apps voluntarily.

3. Retention rate is comparatively high on rewarded video ads.

4. Rewarded Video Ads are highly effective for monetization: Since rewarded video advertising is so successful, their eCPMs frequently rise. As a result, thoughtfully implementing them into your app can assist to get a dramatic increase in overall ad income.

See How AdPumb can Make Your Game Revenue Higher by Engaging the Users with Rewarded Ads