Are you disappointed  by integrating with ad networks?

One of your main concerns is how to increase ad revenue. The eCPM is a critical metric for estimating the amount of revenue that various ad campaigns generate.


To find the most effective ad network, you must continually experiment with different ad networks.

Here are some alternative perspectives to take into account while choosing a mobile ad network.

Fill Rates

Combine the fill rate with eCPM for a thorough study. Complications are to be expected, but this rate needs to be as close to 100% as possible to reduce revenue loss.

Ad networks are more likely to locate the ideal fit for your ad space. If the ad network is widely distributed, then your inventory will be more in demand.


Metrics are also crucial, but you shouldn't even consider them before determining the network is transparent and reliable.


Ad networks offer a variety of business models, including CPA, CPC, CPI, and so on, the most successful model

Business Models

A mobile ad network can only be evaluated by their services it has previously offered. You're in the right place if you recognise the names and observe reputable companies, credible media outlets, and wealthy tech businesses.

Relationships with Publishers and Developers

To prevent the pain of dealing with time-consuming tasks, automate everything using clever algorithms with AdPumb's Ad mediation.